We are very proud to inform:
our School has been ranked on the 2nd place amongst Warsaw Mokotow public and private primary schools!
At the same time we would like to inform that we have been ranked on the 26th place amongst 10 306 public and private schools in Poland! The ranking has been based on the results of the final 8th grade primary school exams.
We are extremely proud of the achievements of our last year's graduates, most of whom were our students since grade 1. Such great results are directly due to the hard work and commitment of our Directors and our Teachers and the innovative curriculum implemented by our School.

Języka Angielskiego
im. Samuela Bogumiła Lindego
We are proud and happy to inform:
nine students from grades 7b and 8:
Jonasz Ciesielski, Pola Czajkowska, Anastazja Godun, Helena Krotkiewska, Dawid Małysa, Oliwia Panasik, Szymon Urbański, Barbara Wojtaszewska, Klara Zemke,
were awarded the title of Laureate of the prestigious Junior English Language Competition (OJAJ) in a long, multi-stage and demanding process of tests and oral examinations. This Competition has been organized for many years by the Samuel Bogumił Linde College of Foreign Languages in Poznań.
The title of the Laureate is a great success of our students, confirming their above-average linguistic skills as well as the effectiveness and teaching competences of our teachers. Obtaining this title exempts students from the final foreign language exam at the end of primary school and gives free admission to any high school of their choice.
We sincerely congratulate our Laureates and their Parents; we wish them equally spectacular successes in further educational processes.
Stefan Meller International
Our School is a bilingual, international, Polish-English School.
We use the most up-to-date British and Polish educational programmes thus being able to carry out the idea of bilinguality. We aim to inspire, support and encourage our students to constant work and continuous self development. Together we create a new educational standard on the map of Warsaw.
Primary School 8th Grade Exam 2023
I am very proud to share with you the excellent results of our students' primary school 8th grade final exam that took place in May this year.
This is the avarage:
- Polish language - 80,42%
- Maths - 88,44%
- English language - 97,15%

Partner Program
Cambridge Assessment English
By joining the partner school program, our school prepares students for Cambridge exams. These exams are highly recognizable around the world and confirm the high linguistic competence of the students who take them.

Program Uważna Szkoła
ma na celu promocję zdrowia psychicznego i redukcji stresu szkolnego wśród nauczycieli i uczniów dzięki rozwijaniu uważności dla ich szczęśliwego, zdrowego, sprawnego funkcjonowania i konstruktywnego radzenia sobie z problemami i trudnościami
Multischool Educational Programmes
Multisport EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME - within this programme students are involved in participation in School and Interschool competitions and are active in the School Sports Club.
This is a varied programme of tours, trips, leisure activities, cultural events, science events - such as "white" and "green schools", museum lessons, trips to cinemas and museums, drama classes, "Festival of Science", "Children's Success Academy”.
This is an extensive programme of two foreign languages teaching to children beginning from grade 1 of Primary School. The programmes are under full supervision of the Methodology Director of Language Studies.
Multiknowledge EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME - within this programme students take active part in School and Interschool math competitions, contests of knowledge and skills.
Multichallenge EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME - a programme concentrating on working with the brightest students, who show special talents and skills.